
Apeiron Apparel


Apeiron Apparel

Meaning: Apeiron (appear-on) is Greek for “unlimited, boundless, infinite or indefinite”

Limits are all around us and we experience them everyday, whether they are created by others or in our own mind. But we believe that our goal in life should be to exceed all limits that are placed before us. What is the purpose in life if we don’t push past those limits and accomplish our goals and dreams?

 The Apeiron Apparel brand wants their customers to feel empowered by the message and motivated to continue striving towards their goals to accomplish true happiness.


The “upside down A” is a mathematics symbol “for all” or “for any”

This is symbolic of this brand being for all not just those who work out or consider themselves to be into fitness but everyone who it appeals to and who resonates with the message and meaning.

The “backwards E” means “there exists” but with the line through it can be seen as “does not exist.” This is to further the idea that the limit does not exist, including but not limited to, the limits that others place on us and the ones we place on ourselves.

We only get one life and it is our due diligence to ourselves to accomplish our goals and live as fully and with as much purpose as possible. We shouldn’t go through life being bound by limits, but overcoming them.